The Dwight Scott Selous Classic Bench Rest Match


My friend Dwight Scott is a Champion Bench Rest Shooter, so we naturally named this year's shoot in his honor. There are a few differences between this shoot and what you might call a normal bench rest match. We use a real rifle in Africa, not one of those pipsqueeks the BR shooters use. Also, we have very few rules to comply with.

Each shooter is free to use any position he wishes - and the respective shooter's supporters are allowed to coach them too, right on the firing line - with disastrous results!

We all had a great afternoon during this shoot, and I hope you all do after seeing these photos.

Dwight Scott. In whose honor the shoot was named. He also built the second rifle - all black, with the muzzle brake removed - used in this match.

Our game scout

Our Masai tracker - he is aptly nicknamed giraffe

Our driver and mechanic

Ray's game scout

One of the skinners

Not many people were hitting the targets, so Walter decided to add some excitement to the event by tying his cigar to the muzzle of the rifle. The cigar exploded at the shot, giving everyone a good laugh.

Our waiter

One of the skinners

The camp manager

One of Ray's trackers

Edison, one of our trackers, who eventually won the contest. There was some protest from the losers, as he had one foot on the tool box.

Ray's Masai tracker after Ray coached him how to shoot!

Look how far his head is from the scope after his first shot!

The Champion, Edison

All the participants wanted to take their targets home. We had to punch holes in those that were clean.