A Safari In The Moyowosi And Masailand


That is Mount Gelai you see at the back of the photo. We hunted buffalo at the top of it.

Roy with Alan trying to shoot a Thommy

Zebra and wildebeest far away in the shimmering heat

One of the many fresh water streams going into Lake Natron

You can see the animal tracks on the dry areas surrounding the lake

We saw many Masai with their sheep, goats and cattle around the lake

Walter congratulating the winner of our first shooting contest

This is Matano, our driver. He has not been doing very well in the shooting contest in the past. So he asked Alan if he would hide in the bush and shoot at his target as he fires at it!

We saw these Masai girls on top of a rocky kopje. They were collecting rain water from the day before.

That is Mount Gelai behind me.

The remains of a wildebeest buried in the black mud by the lake shore

My footprints as I was trying to get close to the flamingos. It got so sticky, and I was worried I might sink to my arm pits, that I decided to make a turn back

You can see Roy and Alan in the distance, by Roy's wildebeest.

You can see the Masai sheep at the bottom of the photo

Notice the shelter the Masai build to rest in while their animals feed

These Masai came over when Roy shot his wildebeest. Above you can see the young boy looking at himself on the screen of the video camera

One of the Masai dogs