A Safari In The Moyowosi And Masailand

Part V

Herds of cattle by the Malagarasi River banks

Wayne with some tiger fish

Fresh start to the day

Papyrus flowers

A fisherman's canoe, with all the fishing equipment

Feeding by the river bank

Imagine doing a running start while your feet sink into water you cannot touch its bottom!

Alan had quite a job trying to tow our hippo with this banana boat. It was so funny, as they tied it to the boat, and started the engine. Instead of moving forward, they looked like sliding backwards. After quite a hassle, they managed to get it moving. But, they had to tow it quite a ways to get to an area we could beach it and cut it up. On the way, they got into trouble with another bull, who wanted to have a fight with the dead one. Then they got it snagged at something on the bottom. Finally they did manage to get to where they wanted

Paul giving the Masai kids some sweets

Walter, as usual, is taking a photo of something else than what he is supposed to take a photo of!

The best snack one can have after a long hunting day! Fresh limes, sprinkled with a little salt, and added Tabasco.

Loading up an eland cut into half