A Safari In The Moyowosi And Masailand

Part IV

A few photos taken from the air as we approached Dar Essalam

Walter is probably making fun of either me or Roy - judging from the looks on Roy's face. Obviously, Rene found whatever it is Walter is saying, very funny!

Cannot resist adding another photo of Walter's absolutely delicious BBQs

Roy and Alan put these targets up to adjust their rifles. It was late in the day, and the sky was threatening to rain.

Walter doing what he is best at. His ipod and speakers can be seen behind him. He had all sorts of wonderful old country and western music on

Having coffee just before breakfast. You might notice their is someone missing from the photo. He normally likes to be last at the table

Finger pointing is one of Walter's favorite pastimes. Especially at me, Roy or Alan!

All is forgotten. They are friends again. Won't last long, though!

Ron and his crew just arrived back to camp, after go through a rain shower

A BBQ with a bit of rain at our Malagarasi camp

Everyone is watching intently the master at his job. He had both Ron and Roy turn the spit, at precisely timed revolutions

Ron did not to make any mistakes! He is timing himself!

Our genius on the Internet with his ipad! Someone sent him an attachment for EYE GLASS advert. Suddenly, everyone was anxious to look at that attachment. True, there were plenty of very pretty girls wearing eye glasses - and scantily dressed too!

The dewlap on an eland bull

Notice in this photo and the following one how the eland rubs his head against trees. Creating almost bold spots at certain places

We were waiting for Alan and the trackers as they went looking for the tracks of some buffalo bulls we were tracking. So I asked both Matano, our driver, and Noel, our game scout, solve a mathematics problem I had. Pen and paper were brought out, and pages of calaculations were entered, but no correct result.

The problem is really very simple.

A man had three sons

When he died, he left a will.

In it he said his oldest son gets half whatever he leaves

His second son gets a third of whatever he leaves

His youngest son gets a ninth of whatever he leaves.

When the man died, he left 17 camels.

Now, how does one divide them without killing any camel?

You can see the tracks of the buffalo being pursued by the lions.

A dinner plate that drives Walter up the wall! Well cooked meat, with tomato and onion salad - kachumber, it is called in both Arabic and Swahili. A dash of lime juice and some Tabasco, and it is the perfect meal at the end of the day.

Roy shooting Alan's double

Buffalo liver for breakfast!

Notice how this bull's face is crooked

Someone cut the gall bladder from the liver, and threw it away. It was lying as you can see above. Alan was walking backwards - he is very good at doing this! I was standing taking a video of the proceedings. He stepped on the gall bladder, and it squirted all its content onto my foot and leg! To the hilarious reaction of everyone around

Cleaning the stomach. A favorite meal for everyone at the camp

A fresh wound on one of the bulls we shot. Looks like from a horn

Notice this lump on the jaw of one of the bulls