Hunting Kizigo And Ugalla In Tanzania 2009

Hunt Report IV

Walter's high tech mosquito wipes. The way he kept scratching himself proves they did not work!

Wayne, Nelson, Chris and Paul getting ready to leave in the morning.

Rene and Roy Vincent laughing their heads off at something Walter must have done!

We saw this reedbuck standing in a bush, and I managed to hit him. When we got him, it seems that he had just escaped the claws of leopard, as he had cuts on both his hind legs, on the inside and out, and his tail was almost bitten off at the base.

Walter showing some tricks to our driver and game scout

I wish I had my video camera going! I told him that branch was far too weak to take his weight, but he insisted on sitting on it! There was a loud crack, and Walter landed flat on his backside!

He tested the branch before sitting on it. Obviously his test was not conclusive!

If you follow where this dead branch is pointing, you will see the end of this little valley. We saw an old bull buffalo walk away from under that green tree you see in the distance. Roy and Alan went to see if they could shoot it. I swayed with Walter. Roy and Alan were away for quite sometime, so we assumed they were following the buffalo. Walter, of course, had to have his fun and games. First he started to cut the branch you see with the saw on his Swiss knife - you can see the evidence. He then started playing what he called the xylophone on the tree trunk.

As you can see here. He was making such a racket. All this time we were unaware that Roy and Alan were just behind those trees where the buffalo went. He just walked a few yards and stopped. Apparently he kept hearing Walter, and kept looking towards us. Eventually we heard a shot, and went to see that Roy had shot his old buffalo.

Another reason for Walter to complain. The bread buns are not the same size as the buffalo burgers! Neither are they the same shape as the meat slices!

Roy's old buffalo bull.

A sapurating wound on his leg

Our game scout with tissue paper in his ears to stop the mopane bees going in. Walter told him all he needs is block just one ear, as that would stop them going through

The skins are normally salted before we get to camp.

We were driving back to camp when we saw this old bull. We shot him and put him up as lion bait.

The end of the broken horn

He was in very good condition

We tied him to the truck, to drag him to the tree where were going to hang him. Walter is helping push it

Walter riding his buffalo!

About 6 in the evening, we were driving back to camp, when we saw a herd of roan. They ran off to our right, crossing the road. Alan saw this bull, and suggested we try and shoot it. We got to about 200 yards of them, and saw that they were walking back to the left side of the road. Cows and little calves passed first, then this bull.

And old bait

A warthog that was probably killed by a lion

The fluffy remains of a rabbit that had met an untimely end

Apparently this is where lions grow their mains - according to Walter!

We saw 3 kudu bulls, and went after them. They led us up these hills, but we never set eyes on them again

They disappeared into that valley below


This is the toilet by the dining room. The rope you see hanging on the left is placed across to the right when someone is inside. Walter asked if this arrangement stops the hyena getting in, and giving a visitor a nasty surprise. We heard them every night. Sometimes they ran right in front of my tent. We also heard lions calling almost every night

Chris is showing Paul, Wayne, Nelson and Rene something on his computer

My office in the bush. I had to sit in the blazing sun to be able to log into AR. Someone felt sorry for me later on and installed an umbrella.

Roy and Rene

Walter having a second helping of desert

One of the rare occasions we had lunch at the camp

A white patch on a zebra that I had shot