Hunting Kizigo And Ugalla In Tanzania 2009

This is a brief report of our hunt of this year in Tanzania. We are hunting with Tanzania Game Tracker Safaris. Our PHs are Alan Vincent and Paul Olivier. Roy Vincent and Wayne James are the video cameramen, who got no thanks despite all their efforts. Someone seems to find something to complain about, which is not unusual when one has Walter in tow! Our 21 days went in a blink! It really was amazing how quickly time passes when one is having such a great time with old and new friends.

Chris and Nelson arrived the night before our departure, and had the pleasure of resting at Dubai International airport, enjoying the hospitality of Emirates Airlines. Who, as usual, pulled all the stops to make sure their passengers were taken good care of.

These photos are of the Emirates lounge. Plenty of space, comfortable seating, showers, message, food and drinks are available to the passengers.

Nelson, yours truly, Walter and Chris waiting for our flight to Dar Essalam

Someone cracked a joke, and the fun began. It never stopped, and even those at the receiving end of all the jokes never complained!

Emirates offers a wide choice of great food and drinks

My suffering has already begun! Walter insists on trying his best to make life as miserable as he can, especially for me, Roy and Alan! We paid him back by voting him off our truck. I asked Roy "Don't you think we have had enough of him?"

Roy "We have had enough of him years ago. It is you who keep bringing him back to torment us"

"I think you are right. I propose we vote him out off the truck. He can enjoy annoying the ladies at the camp"

Walter "My FRIEND Alan will vote for me"

Alan "Whatever gave you that idea? I will vote with dad and Saeed. You have had it. Just remember to be nice to the ladies in the camp. If they vote you out you will have to spend your time in the skinning shed"

Roy "Then even the hyena's will run away from there"

The look on Walter's face was incredible!

Nelson enjoying his salad before his lunch

This was my starter - Walter did not want any - at least that is how it began. He then tried to eat the olives on my plate, then the cheese, then the garlic bread. That got him hungry enough to order his own meal.

Approaching the coast of Dar

The surrounding areas around Dar from the approach of the plane

New development plots

Clearing the rifles at the customs. All it took is about 30 seconds.

Coming to land at Kilumbi, which was about 10 kilometers from our camp

A few views of our camp at Kizigo

The hand wash basin is on the right

Enjoying lunch

The fire place, where we sit by the evening, and early in the morning

Very comfortable accommodation. Hot and cold running water available all day

Sightiong in our rifles

Breakfast, before our first hunting day.

Walter, of course, has to make sure he has plenty of food, just in case he has to wal a few yards!

Paul, Nelson, Roy, Rene and Leoni

At the air strip as we arrive

The Ugalla River, which winds its way in every direction

The Ugalla River is not running at this time of year, but consists of a large number of large pools.

On our last night at the camp, Roy said "I don't know how these days went so fat"

A view from our camp at Ugalla