Our Safari In The Selous, With Alan Vincent, September-October 2011

Part I

Here are a few photos of our recent safari with Alan Vincent on his new concession in the Selous

You might notice a difference in quality of some of the photos, as some have been taken with different cameras, under different settings and different lighting conditions. Some were actually taken with the video camera.

Also,  I hope you do not get bored with many photos that seem to be of the same location. They have been taken by different people, on different days.

I have tried to include photos of most things that one sees on safari, as have been requested by several memebers of the Forum.

I hope you enjoy them.

Alan and Dean were our Professional Holligans - as Walter calls them. Video was done by Roy and Garry, who had a thankless job, as no matter what they did, we always found ways to complain.