A Safari In The Moyowosi And Masailand

We have just returned from another great adventure with many friends. I think it goes without saying that everyone involved in this safari has done an exceptional job of making sure that we all had a great time. And if one adds Walter to the hunting party, the organizers deserve a grand prize for putting up with him.

I am going to tell you a few stories about Walter later on in my reports.

But, I thought you might enjoy these photos which I have taken the last day we were at Tandala camp. We had a small water pool set up especially for the birds. And they came in droves. I took the photos sitting in the dining tent, with a Nikon D300S camera with a Sigma 50-500mm lens.

I am trying to catch up with some work, then we are off again in a few days because of the school break.

I am going to try to select some photos for my hunt report while away - we have about 19,000 photos!!? - and start posting more reports after we return.

Meanwhile, I hope you enjoy these.